The Silent Voice Spiritual Life Coaching

If it is not love it is not true. Open up the teachings of your true self in day to day life.

how do you Keep your Vibe High?

Do you come back from your retreat or your teacher training and realise that it is hard to keep that beautiful energy going? Does everyday life and the ones close to you trigger you and spoil your energy?

The simple task of working with ego structures can create an ego by itself. Also, love can be your greatest teacher when you open up to the layers of conditioning that come with it. When you dive into the journey of inner transformation, it is crucial to learn how to work with your ego in a way that does not create more harm or an illusion of false progress. You probably want to dissolve old patterns, in order to keep them from repeating and to allow your essence to shine.

In this program you will learn how to explore your ego awareness in a way that you can keep doing the work in every context of your life and constantly maintain your high vibration. You will learn with softer and kinder methods of seeing yourself in a deeper sense and ways of allowing your true nature to replace that space.

Does this sound familiar?

  1. You do consistent work to keep your vibration high.

  2. You find it hard to maintain the high energy of your practice.

  3. You cannot live well if you skip some of your practice.

  4. You feel exhausted.

  5. You find it hard to be among family and friends that do not share the same understanding of love and conscious life.

  6. People do not get you and they can easily hurt you.

  7. People can affect your vibration easily, you are sensitive to peoples’ energy.

  8. You end up lonlier to protect your spiritual growth.

  9. You do not seem to enjoy fun with friends, it is all about teaching, self practice or continuous education.

  10. It is hard to make friends that are not likeminded.

  11. You are careful about the time with your family and friends.

if yes, this is a good place to start:

If you feel ready to dive into your ego work with lasting change then start here . This is where you will learn how to:

  1. Integrate your spiritual path with your day to day life.

  2. Reconnect safely with friends and family without getting hurt or triggered.

  3. Maintain your vibration when feeling other peoples emotions or energies.

  4. Enjoy people appreciating your path through life.

  5. Dive safely into your non self structures and learn to hold your light and shadow with compassion.

  6. Learn to embrace and love your imperfections.

  7. Free yourself from subconscious self-limiting believes and self-sabotaging behaviours.

  8. Live your path your way.

We will agree on the specific purpose and desired outcomes from your journey before we begin. During the program I will help you expand your ability to see your truth with methods such as:

  • Deep focused conversations;

  • Self inquiry and mindfulness techniques;

  • Activating and reconnecting your body wisdom and healing;

  • Psychology of energy;

  • Guided meditation practice intuitively guided for your journey;

  • Self realisation initiation.

This is a 12 week journey where we meet once a week for a 90´ sessions. You will be supported in between the sessions with individualised meditation practice and educational support to help you move deeper into your transformation.

The price of the program for one on one sessions and support for 12 weeks is €1.900. Instalments are available.

How Does Spiritual Coaching Work?

What is spiritual coaching?

The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines chronic pain as: ‘Pain that extends beyond the period of tissue healing and/or with low levels of identified pathology that are insufficient to explain the presence and/or extent of the pain and has persisted for more than three months.’

What are the benefits of spiritual coaching?

Spiritual coaches work on helping you find a balance so that you and those around you can benefit and thrive just by doing the things that you love every day.

How will spiritual coaching help me?

Spiritual coaching will help you find a balance so that you and those around you can benefit and thrive just by doing the things that you love every day.

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