Make Space, Life Balance Coaching

Declutter your life and gain back your energy and space for your true being.

when is your time?

For too many years you have been telling yourself that you are too busy, you have too many responsibilities, your family is taking up all of your free time and your work is costing you more and more effort every year. When is your time really?

You have been so consumed by making it in life, that when you did make it we forgot how to be anything else. You may realise that you forgot how it is to live and you cannot actually celebrate the richness and the family that you have created. You may know there is much more of you to bring to this life whether in your career or personal life but you feel that you stagnate in energy consuming circumstances.

It is time to break free and reclaim happiness and enjoyment as values of your pure being. In this immersion you will uncover and set free old habits that are consuming your resources and make space in your life for healthier, more vitalising experiences that are replenishing your being offering fresh energy to your calling and personal connections.

Does this sound familiar?

  1. You are doing your best to be recognised for your contributions.

  2. You rarely receive the compliments and appreciation you deserve.

  3. Your needs and requests are not heard.

  4. You feel exhausted.

  5. It very hard to cope with all the responsibilities and duties.

  6. Your focus and motivation are low.

  7. You feel you cannot grow or move forward with your plans.

  8. You find it very hard or impossible to find time for yourself.

  9. There is nothing you can do about your situation.

  10. You do not see a way out.

  11. Your situation is really complicated right now.

if yes, this is a good place to start:

Now you can give yourself the chance to make a change, find your spark and ease up the pressure of life and work from yourself. If you are ready to live an easier life this is the place to start. This is where you will learn how to:

  1. Feel at ease with a less busy life while maintaining the same outcomes.

  2. Enjoy time for yourself.

  3. Honour yourself before others while developing authentic relations.

  4. Feel what is actually giving or taking energy from you behind the surface appearances.

  5. Have your desires and requests be heard.

  6. Receive the appreciation and recognition that you deserve.

  7. Realign and resource yourself from your Pure Being.

  8. Find and implement solutions that will support your insights and discoveries.

How does Life Balance coaching Work?

We will agree on the specific purpose and desired outcomes from your journey before we begin. During the program I will help you expand your ability to see your truth with methods such as:

Deep focused conversations;
Self inquiry and mindfulness techniques;
Activating and reconnecting your body wisdom and healing;
Guided meditation practice;
Breathing techniques;
Education and resources for cultivating more energy in your day to day life
Continuous support throughout the sessions

This is a 12 weeks journey where we meet once a week for a 90 minute session. You will be supported in between the sessions with individualised meditation practice, breathing techniques and educational materials to help you move deeper and achieve your transformation easily.

The price of the program for one on one sessions and support for 12 weeks is €1.900 . Instalments are available.



Collin, London

I found that my relationship with time has changed. I have always been a punctual person, but I also had to work at it to be on time. But what I found is that time seems to be something that works in harmony with me. There seems to be enough time to to everything that I want and stil be on time. This is a beautiful experience to welcome in my life.

Lisa, Barcelona

The key point which I have taken out of this course is that I started to think about my day-to-day life differently and seeing the world differently, thanks to the life concepts I have learned through this course.

Satoshi, London

Christina knows very well about the subject and gives you thoughtful lessons which you can relate and apply to your daily life.

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